Browsing category LIFE

The Pep talk

I guess it’s right about a problematic situation that sometimes inspired you to write better. It’s been almost a year since my last post. I’ve brought here and there doing so many things. I forgot that I’m a blogger, and I have a blog to take care of until last week when I was forced

A Little Bit of Everything

A lot of people gave up just before they’re about to make things happen. I am probably one of them years ago when everything seems struggling and possible is impossible. I was about to give up what I have started. I thought I might have the wrong choices by doing what I was doing. So

Christmas Is Simplicity. Simplicity Is Christmas.

I have traveled to countries and witnessed many lives and thoughts from different perspectives about what Christmas is all about. From people who definitely don’t understand at all, people who only follow others, people who have been doing Christmas celebration time to time, until the people who definitely understand and live the meaning of Christmas

The Worst Of Me

I was looking for an idea of looking for something to read while I was reading my old notes. The notes made when I lived in The Land Of Elephant. As usual, I always impressed myself, impressed because I never thought I could write notes like those notes. When the first time I arrived there,


Apologizing is probably one of the hardest things for people to do. I’m sorry was never enough. I don’t know, but every time it comes to older men or women, apologizing seems to be a sign of weakness that means if you admit fault then suddenly you are considered as a submissive human being. However, do


Get On Your Language