Browsing category Travel From Home

How Covid-19 changed how I travel

I used to be travel overseas once or twice a month, mostly for group travel of Bwamtrip. The range of staying in the ground, which is in Jakarta, is only a couple of days. I rarely unpack my luggage because I know that I would be fly again. Today is the two months I’m staying

The Piano and I

I remember the time my dad signed me up for an organ/piano class. He then also chose an individual teacher for me. Every time our session approaches its start, I also started to feel lazy and didn’t want to attend and have figured different ways to skip from it.  My dad didn’t condone this laziness

The Pep talk

I guess it’s right about a problematic situation that sometimes inspired you to write better. It’s been almost a year since my last post. I’ve brought here and there doing so many things. I forgot that I’m a blogger, and I have a blog to take care of until last week when I was forced
