Strolling Around In Duomo Di Milano

There are a lot of places you can visit if you touch down in Milan, Italy. I was not able to visit many places, but I managed to visit the spiked gothic cathedral called Duomo. Its position is in the heart of Milan, which makes the Duomo the first stop when visiting the city. I

A Bright Blue Sky In Allianz Arena, Munich

“How do you feel about finally coming to this Bayern Munchen, your favorite football club from your young age?” I asked my like-family person (later will be written as Mr. P) when we arrived Fröttmaning station, Munich. “Do you recording this one?” Instead of answering my question, he was checking whether I record it or not. “Nope! But I

If he is a fan of Juventus, he must be a good person

“I’m going to Juventus, Turin” the like-family person [later will be write as Mrs. L] said to me when we were about to depart to Milan from Zurich. “That’s great, let’s go with me!” I answered “Why? Do you even like Juventus?” Mrs. L said “It’s not about like or doesn’t like, but going to Turin

Christmas Is Simplicity. Simplicity Is Christmas.

I have traveled to countries and witnessed many lives and thoughts from different perspectives about what Christmas is all about. From people who definitely don’t understand at all, people who only follow others, people who have been doing Christmas celebration time to time, until the people who definitely understand and live the meaning of Christmas

A Nice Afternoon At Picture Book Library

I have been to Nami Island many times until I feel there is nothing left for me to see there. During those times I never noticed if it was there every time I visited Nami Island. I was intending to bring my friend to go to Prayer room, then I found there was such an interesting place in Nami Island called

art1: new museum

Art For Everyone in Art1: New Museum

Someone asked me to go to Art1: New Museum after seeing my previous visit to Singapore Art Museum. “I love how you enjoyed art, go to this place and feed us more with your enjoyable photos” hearing those words made me grab my smart phone and searching about Art1: New Museum and hey! It is

The worst of me

The Worst Of Me

I was looking for an idea of looking for something to read while I was reading my old notes. The notes made when I lived in The Land Of Elephant. As usual, I always impressed myself, impressed because I never thought I could write notes like those notes. When the first time I arrived there,

Singapore Art Museum

One Fine Day In Singapore Art Museum

The Singapore Art Museum (SAM) has built one of the world’s most important public collections of Southeast Asian contemporary artworks. When I lived in Singapore, I used to pass this place once a week and I always stood in front of it wondering what was inside. I could visit it, but I didn’t, no idea

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