How to stay sane during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

How to keep yourself sane during Covid-19 Pandemic?

Covid-19 is still the main topic and issue all over the world, including Indonesia. The implementation of large-scale social restrictions in Jakarta is getting longer than the early schedule. The government is trying hard to lessen the infected number and the chance of spreading everywhere. Everyone is already staying at home from early March, some probably from February. Though you still can go outside for some essential matters, spending most of the time in the house is making people losing their nerve for awhile.

How I realize how serious this is

Learning from what I struggled during the first weeks grounded, the first approached should be ourselves. The end of the pandemic may be a long way off, but if we follow the guidance with seriousness, keep our social distance, and wash our hand regularly, and of course, look for each other. We can stop the spread of the virus, and it may reach the end of it.

How to stay sane during the Covid-19 Pandemic?

We can build economic, we can start a new business, but we can do nothing if we do not exist and of course, sane. And to be able to keep sane is not an easy as you flip your hands. I discovered a lot of things on how to keep myself sane during the quarantine.

1 Take this chance to be more positive

The first step of all is trying not to be negative. It might look simple, but positive energy is going to help you keep going on this situation. Surround yourself with those positive people. Watch and listen to anything positive. That would be your base before continuing to the next step.

2 Always practice gratitude

Having anxiety is not a bad thing. It’s understandable to have anxiety about the uncertain situation. There will be a lot of anxious about, and that’s okay. It’s normal. Keep that in mind. While you are facing your demons, you might well practice gratitude. This one is a hard step for me. Being grateful while having no hope is hard. I know. That’s why I always say practice gratitude. Be grateful even for a simple thing. Step by step, we would gradually learn to be a grateful person.

3 Keep communicating within family

As a traveler, I always travel now and then. Being stuck at home, I’ve been given a chance to having more time with family. I came to realize they will always be there for me. Don’t hold anything inside, find someone within the family or someone close like a family. A burden that being share is more comfortable to handle. If you’ve been away, this is an excellent opportunity to renew contact with family or old family. If you belong to any community, group, friends, this is your opportunity to reconnecting with them. You can encourage them as well.

4 Cook something for you

I always cook my food when I away for work overseas, so cooking my version of food when I travel, surely helping me sane. I cook something simple, just like when I stay in the guesthouse.

5 Adjust with the new online kinds of stuff

The new style is rapidly changing due to this social distancing matter. You have no choice other than adjusting and embrace the online form of working and reconnecting. Learn how to using Zoom, online messaging, and meetings and other things.

6 Practice virtual hugging

Thank you for the technology. We have things call Zoom, Video Call, FaceTime, and many other things. You can practice virtual hugging while having a conversation with a colleague, family, friends, and community. Tell them that you are hugging them virtually. If you are struggling with OCD, Anxiety, or mental illness, or you know someone who struggles with those. Reach out to them. Call, Video Call, text regularly. As much as you need help, you can also help them.

7 Do not consume too much news

Unlike many people who are regularly checking the update of coronavirus, I found it a bit overwhelming. So I decided to stay away from it for a couple of days. And guess what, it was calming my nerve. I know it is kind of hard since we online most of the time when connecting with the other. But you should try it. Limit your media consumption might be helping you to stay sane.

8 Exercise

We stay home and barely going out. We spend too much food so that you might need exercise. It isn’t just for maintaining your body shape, but it helps you to lower your stress on it. Take a first-round lap of running, or do simple one at home. Today they are numerous videos, programs, and even group classes offered online. All you have to do is choose to get started. Exercise is also a mood enhancer to lift your mood brighter.

9 Learn Something New

Another opportunity is to learn something new. You should keep this in mind that this is not a necessary thing to do. You can learn something you have always wanted to learn. Take your minds off what is happening around us and engage our brains in a way that makes us feel good. You will engage your brain in learning that boosts your creativity rise.

10 Do some work

The thing that keeps me sane is doing work. It could be working your office-work from home, or doing household chores. As for me, I keep myself a schedule for posting regularly on this blog and another site while maintaining another writing deadline.

Stay safe and enjoy your time

Remember that the most crucial element of all is to stay safe and enjoy life. Enjoying your time is the most helpful thing you can do. You can watch your favorite series, read books, or just sit and have a cup of tea.


I am a language trainer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. I love traveling, like a lot. I enjoy walking around, language immersion in different places, have a cup of coffee at some unfamiliar coffee shop, embrace the history or art in many different museums. I love coming across people and blending with new culture. I like having conversations with new people, blogging the stories and inspire people.


  • Raissa
    May 7, 2020 at 7:57 PM

    Yeaaahh! Being productive 😉

    • Gosh
      June 1, 2020 at 12:32 AM

      Yeahhhh Raisa!!!

  • Novi
    May 8, 2020 at 9:33 AM

    interested article

    • Gosh
      June 1, 2020 at 12:32 AM

      Thank you kak

  • Thomas Jensen
    May 8, 2020 at 10:15 AM

    I like this

    • Gosh
      June 1, 2020 at 12:32 AM

      Thank youuuuu Thomas

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