BWAMTrip Year-End Giveaways: Travel, Learn, Share

This year has been a rough one for BWAMTrip. There were just too many things happened as time flies. Life is definitely a journey to learn. We learned to accept what we have given while we learned to let go of what we have accepted. We learned that change is constant and happening all around us… all the time.

The best thing that we have learned this year were from those things that usually appear as they come. We learned to put ourselves into someone else’s shoes before we judge anyone. Sometimes we make quick assumptions about people, circumstances and situations. We judge them, label them and put them into a box. We failed from not recognizing that there is a much bigger picture.

Sometimes we meet someone at their particular state, stage or phase of their life and always have the tendency to stereotype them to be in certain ways. We then learned not to be so quick to judge for we never knew when we might find ourselves walking in someone else’s shoes.

During this year, we have made our fair share of mistakes. The words GIVE UP flashes in our minds oftentimes so to say. Yet we survived the waves we thought we couldn’t pass. From those mistakes, we also learned even gentle people can lose their tempers. Yet, we learned that the best apology is a changed mindset to serve better in the future.

As we met a lot of people during our journey, we learned more about people, their reasons for traveling that made us understand more about what we should deliver to our fellow travelers. When something good happens, travel to celebrate. If something bad happens, travel to forget it. If nothing happens, travel to make something happen. Remember that traveling doesn’t mean to go far away, like going to the other countries, it could also simply mean you’re moving from one place to another. Going to your school, your university, or office is also a sort of traveling.

“Successful investing takes time, discipline and patience. No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time: You can’t produce a baby in just a matter of a month by getting nine women pregnant”.

Year-End Giveaways

As we started this project, one of our goals is to share our valued experiences which turned out to be our services and give a different perspective and to take the kind of open-trips to a different level. And as the year ends, we would like to share some of our giveaways with you in #bwamgoshgiveaway

Share in the comment section below what you have learned during this year, and what you wanted to achieve in the coming year of 2019. It could be anything… probably visit your dream country or other things. Don’t forget to follow the official Instagram @bwamtrip and our founder @bwangosh. You might be the lucky one to have an official lightstick of Blackpink or Shinee -The story of the light album through a random choice generator.


I am a language trainer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. I love traveling, like a lot. I enjoy walking around, language immersion in different places, have a cup of coffee at some unfamiliar coffee shop, embrace the history or art in many different museums. I love coming across people and blending with new culture. I like having conversations with new people, blogging the stories and inspire people.


  • Rommel
    December 5, 2018 at 8:28 PM

    For this year I’ve learned to be more humble despite all the achievements that I had in the past. I’ve learned as well how to mingle with other people and how to interact in multi-cultural environment. I’m looking forward in the year to come for more adventure, travel and life lessons to learn.

    • Gosh
      January 21, 2019 at 11:14 AM

      Thank you rommel for sharing. Hope for the best in this year.

  • Bella Safira Adiansa
    December 5, 2018 at 8:43 PM

    I am just a normal girl. I never travelled to everywhere. But for what I have learned during this year, cause I’m a new student college so I have to meet with the other new people. So I have to survive with my new friends, new environments, new rules, and the other. But after I met with them for 3 months I fell happy cause I meet them. Cause they taught me about what have I do if I meet with new people. And how to manage our perspective about the other people. Cause that will destroy our manner if we meet with them. So keep positive thinking and think the good side cause the other may have their own reason.

  • Bella Safira Adiansa
    December 5, 2018 at 9:12 PM

    I am just a normal girl. I am the new student college so I have to meet with the new people, new environments, new rules and the other. And what I have learned during this year is about what i have to do if I meet with new people. Cause sometimes if I meet with new people my bad perspective always be the first think that appears in my mind so it will destroy my manner to them. So from that experience, I have learned if I have to be a positive thinking person and always think about the good side cause even though we think if the other person fault, may he or she has their own reason to do that. So keep positive thinking. And what I wanted to achieve in the coming year of 2019, I wish we(I, my family and my friends) will be Better person, we can handle our problems, be healtier person and be stronger person rather than before. And especially for me I wish I can go to Seoul or turkey cause I wanna come to there and It will be complete if I can go to there with my family. Amiin.

    • Gosh
      January 21, 2019 at 11:20 AM

      Hi Bella, thank you for sharing and join the giveaway. There are two, let me just reply here. I hope you enjoy your college life. Meeting new people is also a part of our life. Some people told me that more people we meet more lesson we’re going to learn, for sure, life is getting excited. It will be more excited because you just won BLACKPINK Lightstick. Enjoy! Drop your address into so we can delivery the package.

  • ode sukarini
    December 6, 2018 at 11:47 AM

    There are many things that i learned this year.
    Especially in this year, i took a risk to buy flight ticket to my dream country
    My visa is not ready yet, but i’m so excited even i also feel nervous.
    Because i realized that i need to make a move to go to my dream destination.
    Also in this year i learned that i need to let go. Even it’s hard, but it feels better 🙌

  • ode
    December 6, 2018 at 12:04 PM

    Finally i encourage myself to book a flight to the place that i always have a special place in my heart. I have not make a visa yet, but i already excited about that trip.
    And also this year i decided to move on from my last break up.

    • Gosh
      January 21, 2019 at 11:25 AM

      Hi Ode, so excited to know that you took a step to your dream country. I hope you got your visa, fly to your dream country and meet new friends there. Here is Shinee’s album for you to listen while waiting for the journey. Drop your address into so we can delivery the package. Enjoy!

  • Frizka
    December 6, 2018 at 8:14 PM

    I work as an Accounting staff at Travel Agent which has Tour as their services and i’m a kpopers.
    This year i’ve learned that we don’t have to be jealous to those people who can go traveling luxuriously (WELL I ACTUALLY JEALOUS SO BAD WHEN THEY’RE HAVE A CHANCE TO BRING A GROUP AS A TOUR LEADER WHILE I’M STAYING AT THIS CAGE CALLED OFFICE BECAUSE THE OFFICE WILL RUINED WHEN I’M GOING), i’m always saying to myself, “someday i will be there”. And we shouldn’t get stressed too much (well it’s impossible actually) because of our Job. Plus this year I’ve learned how to handle my emotions well, since i work in public and sometimes get to meet some clients, i can’t let my emotions being seen by others. Oh and actually i want to go to college to continue my study but i can’t, seeing all my friends has graduated of course i feel a little bit insecure. but nah, I’ll find my own my way starting today and starting all new.

    What i want to do in 2019 : Saving my salary and Arrange MY OWN Tour to KOREA, JAPAN first!! next country is europe area hehe
    please wish me luck so i can acieved my dreams next year 🙂

    i want to go traveling by myself without being a tour leader. I hope i can reach my dreams in 2019 🙂

    instagram : frizka_maharani
    email :

    • Gosh
      January 21, 2019 at 11:30 AM

      Hi Frizka,

      YOU CAN DO IT!!! You are awesome! Do you know that? Focus on yourself, don’t think too much about other people. You are more than good enough. Once you set your focus, then you can do it. Here Shinee’s album for you. Enjoy just like you enjoy your day. Drop your address into so we can delivery the package.

  • Dwi Aditya Herfiansyah
    December 6, 2018 at 9:10 PM

    Banyak sekali pelajaran yang bisa di ambil pada tahun ini. mulai dr karir, travelling, bisnis dan masiih banyak lagi. Cuman yg mau saya share terkait pelajaran yang bisa diambil di tahun ini adalah travelling pertama kali nya keluar negeri bareng BWAMTRIP ke KOREA SELATAN. Intinya gara gara travelling ini saya mendapat pelajaran berharga dr bwamgosh, bahwa backpacker solo keluar negeri tidak serumit dan seseram yang dipikirkan haha. 😂
    Thanks bwamgosh gara gara dirimu jd ketagihan pgn keluar negeri 😁

    Untuk goals yg pengen dicapai tahun 2019 yaitu, pergi ke JEPANG bareng BWAMTRIP lagi 😇, MALAYSIA-SINGAPORE-THAILAND dan terakhir bisa daftar HAJI Aamiin 😇
    Semoga dapet giveaway meskipun ga akan mungkin nonton konser blackpink nya jg wkwkwk lumayan buat gaya-gayaan dirumah karokean 😂

    • Gosh
      January 21, 2019 at 11:32 AM

      ikutan juga.. buat mas dwi, kita kasih album sunda aja yaaa HAAHAHHAAHHA

      Ga serumit kan, pasti selalu bisa backpackeran hihihi

  • Tasha
    December 7, 2018 at 9:52 PM

    I’m just a girl who addicted with korea, Kpop actually. First, 2018 is really my year, bcause i got the job that I really want to. I became a leader for a team. That was a hard one for me because I don’t know what a leader supposed to do. In my team there was a people that older and also younger than me. I’m afraid how to act for the older one, I’m afraid if they thought I’m rude and didn’t respect them even if they really has a problem and for the younger one I’m afraid they thought i bosses. But I watched my kpop idol leader, Super junior leader. How him can brought SJ till now, how can him make the whole team respect him even there’s Kim Heechul who same age as him.

    He is my role model from the beginning I became a leader till now (almost a year passed) and now i knew how to be a not a really good leader (because I’m still learn and doing on it). May 2019 is also be my years with one big wish, hope i met my one and only soulmate and i hope i met him in Seoul or Busan, because I’M COMIN KOREA NEXT YEAR 😀 yeay!!! I’m going with this one and only trusted backpacker, BWAM.

    • Gosh
      January 21, 2019 at 11:37 AM

      Hi Tasha,

      WOW! You are going to KOREA again with us! Thank you so much for always trusting us. You know what, you’re lucky too because you got Shinee’s album. Though it’s not Super Junior album, we still hope you like it. Drop your address into so we can delivery the package. Enjoy!

  • Anastasya Almas Zahra Salsabila
    December 8, 2018 at 5:51 PM

    halo nama saya Anastasya, saya adalah seorang gadis remaja biasa 17 tahun yang baru memasuki dunia perkuliahan. Saat ini saya kuliah di Unesa, 2018 adalah tahun yang menurut saya sangat berat bagi saya. Singkat cerita saya adalah seorang gadis yang pendiam, cuek dan terkesan tomboi hehehe, karena mungkin sebagai anak tertua yang ditinggal ayah saya harus bisa bersikap dewasa bagi adik2 saya. Saya memasuki kelas Akselerasi atau percepatan saat di SMA dimana seharusnya saya bersenang-senang dan bersekolah selama 3 tahun,tetapi saya hanya mengalaminya selama 2 tahun, memang katanya masa SMA yg paling indah, tetapi bagi saya SMA adalah masa yang paling berkesan. Katanya anak aksel itu cupu-cupu dan cuek tetapi karena saya IPS dan teman-teman saya sangatlah unik, mereka memiliki karakter yang berbeda-beda, dan itulah yang membuat kami terasa seperti keluarga, selama masa SMA saya merasa bahwa diri saya berubah menjadi humoris dan membawa suasana happy di antara teman-teman. Dengan mengikuti kelas aksel saya memang dituntut untuk terus belajar, untuk bersenang-senang pun biasanya hanya sekedar bersama sahabat atau teman kelas. Saat akhir masa sekolah saya sangat excited, karena memang dri dlu ingin masuk di Jurusan DKV apalagi DKV FSRD ITB. Namun, Tuhan berkata lain. Saya gagal dalam jalur SNMPTN dan SBMPTN, akhirnya saya mencoba jalur mandiri, 3 Universitas Negeri yang membuka jalur mandiri saya ikuti, 2 Universitas Swasta juga saya ikuti. Pengumuman keluar dan saya hanya lolos di 1 universitas negeri saja yaitu UNESA karena lolos di Universitas Negeri, maka saya melepas Univ swasta. Saya memang kecewa, karena setelah masa berat di SMA kenapa saya harus mengalami hal seperti ini? Tetapi memang ini adalah Takdir saya, Tuhan pasti punya rencana lain di balik ini semua. Saya juga seorang pencinta KPOP terutama BTS. Ambisi saya memang sangatlah tinggi, yaitu untuk bekerja menjadi Art Director di agensi BigHit hahaha, karena saya sangat suka dengan penampilan BTS mulai dari MV, acara award dll. Sejak SMA saya mengikuti Bwamtrip di instagram, pengen ke korea dan lihat iklan bwamtrip yang ngasih paket secara murah, waktu itu sempat nabung dan udah terkumpul sekitar 3 Juta, tapi ternyata saat itu laptop saya jatuh dan rusak :’), karena tidak ingin memberatkan orang tua terpaksa saya harus memberikan uang saya untuk membeli laptop baru. Semoga di 2019 ini saya bisa menjadi yang lebih baik, dan untuk bwamtrip semoga semakin sukses dan semakin maju, thank u 🙂

    • Gosh
      January 21, 2019 at 12:13 PM

      Hello Anastasya,

      Terima kasih sudah membagikan ceritanya. Setiap orang pasti memiliki cerita unik yang tidak akan pernah sama dengan yang lain, sebagaimana terlihat samapun. Begitu juga dengan Anastasya, dalam segala hal pasti ada maksud dan tujuannya, mungkin saat ini kita ga ngerti kenapa jalannya harus seperti ini, tapi suatu saat nanti pasti kita mengerti. Jadi di nikmatin aja prosesnya karena proseslah yang membuat kita lebih dewasa. Tetap melakukan apa yang kamu suka, percayai apa yang kamu lakukan, karena tidak ada yang mustahil di dunia ini kalau kita percaya. Suatu saat semua akan berbuah yang baik. Apapun itu.

      We are running out our giveaway, but you got our special gift. Drop your address into so we can delivery the package. Enjoy!

  • Disfira Ika
    December 12, 2018 at 5:08 PM

    Throughout 2018, umpteen of lessons I have learnt, especially in defining happiness. First thing first, we cannot make people happy at once. A simple thought of me defining happiness: an abstract noun of the contentment feeling.

    It’s undeniably true that each one’s happiness might contrasting to one another. The question is why people keep demanding what they are dreaming of against others’ wants? People should get themselves together for not have a finger in others pie. If that’s not your business, please keep distances and respects others personal bubble.

    What I always do to survive when interacting with THESE poeple is nodding, just to make it fast. Let them say what they want to disclose. Being a silent observer is way much better, isn’t it? Arguing with them is a mere futile thing that drain my precious energy for nothing. It wouldn’t make me feeling relieved, anyway.

    Wishes for 2019? A simple longing I want to achieve in the upcoming year are stay healthy and happy. Japan trip is right in the corner which means one of my happines to be accomplished is getting closer. I hope everything pres and posts will go well. All things go well. Amen!

    • Gosh
      January 21, 2019 at 11:41 AM

      안녕 Disfira,

      I knew your name as soon as I saw it. Always love your writing. I probably will use it in my upcoming post (I don’t when it will be) Thank you for always joining our giveaway LOL, I don’t have any giveaway left but you know what, I owe you a cup of coffee, but this time won’t be Seoul, but Tokyo. See you soon Disfira.

  • Ironman3000
    June 12, 2019 at 9:25 PM

    For me love is about reading your blog and also seeing you in person :’)

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